English Conversation - Penggunaan While + V + Ing

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, while mempunyai arti sangat bersahabat dengan ketika. Namun, dalam percakapan tanpa memakai to be, while mempunyai arti sambil/sembari dengan susunan kata kerja + ing.

   While + Verb + Ing = Sambil / sembari

Contoh :

• If you go out, can you get me some milk?
  (Jika kau keluar, bisakah membelikan aku susu?)
  - While going out, can you get me some milk?
    (Sambil keluar nanti, bisakah membelikan aku susu?)

• I think we can have a chat while we are driving.
  (Saya rasa kita dapat bercakap-cakap dikala kita sedang menyetir)
  - I think we can have a chat while driving.
   (Saya rasa kita dapat bercakap-cakap sambil nyetir)

Sebagai materi latihan, cobalah mengganti kalimat di bawah ini dengan bentuk while + verb + ing

1. I don't think we can discuss the idea and the dilema in detail, as it's very crowded here.
   - Why don't we have something to drink while we are sitting at the lobby and discuss the problem.
   - Why don't we have something to drink while ......

2. Can you drop (by) at Peny's house when you are passing by?
   - Can you drop (by) at Peny's house while ......

3. When you talk to him, kindly ask him about my leave, whether it's approved or not.
   - Kindly ask him about my leave while ......

4. Why don't you slice the mango when you're boiling the water.
   - Why don't you slice the mango while ......

5. The old man can brush his teeth when he is whistling.
   - The old man can brush his teeth while .....

6. That man is very happy, he can sing when he is selling some bread.
   - That man is very happy, he can sing while ......

7. I'm confused about the couple. They can answer each other when both are speaking.
   - I'm confused about those people, they can answer each other while ......

8. I don't want to waste my time I'd better read the book when I'm waiting for anybody.
   - I don't want to waste my time I'd better read the book while ......

9. That woman can shoulder her child when she is carrying her bag.
   - That woman can shoulder her child while .....

10. You can look after the kid when you are watching TV.
   - You can look after the kid while ......

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