English Conversation – Cara Mengungkapkan “Pasti”

Untuk menyatakan kata “pasti” dalam Bahasa Inggris sanggup memakai kata “must” maupun bentuk to be going + verb I.

A.      MUST
Penggunaan “must” cenderung menurut perasaan dan penglihatan (keadaan).

Contoh :
·         Welcome to my office, I heard a lot about you, the best speaker, right? You must be Mr.Robert.
Selamat tiba di kantor saya, aku banyak mendengar wacana Anda, pembicara terbaik kan? Anda pasti Tuan Robert.

·         You’ve been traveling a lot, you must get much experience.
Kamu sudah banyak bepergian, pasti banyak pengalaman.

·         She left early for that event, she must have been there right now.
Dia berangkat pagi sekali untuk pertunjukan itu, pasti sudah berada di sana sekarang.

·         You’ve kept in touch with him for a long time, you must know him well.
Kamu sudah berafiliasi dengan ia usang sekali, pasti betul-betul mengenal dia. 

·         She is very good singer and now being the top hit, she must have a lot of fans and earn a lot.
Dia penyanyi yang manis dan kini ia lagi ngetop, pasti punya penggemar dan banyak menghasilkan uang.

·         Her father used to be a prominent enterpreneur, I’m sure she must have a business acumen. You can learn how to make a business with her.
Ayahnya dulu seorang pengusaha terkemuka, aku yakin ia pasti punya talenta usahawan juga. Kamu sanggup berguru bagaimana cara berdagang dengannya.

·         A : How come do you get many credit cards especially from City Bank and American Express. Well, you must have some references from the big shots and you must also have a good credibility. Otherwise...
Bagaimana kau sanggup mampu banyak kartu kredit terutama dari City Bank dan American Express ya, kau pasti punya banyak rujukan dari orang-orang penting dan pasti  juga memiliki dapat dipercaya yang baik, jikalau tidak...
B : Well, don’t mention that.
Jangan bicara ibarat itu.

·         A : That guy next door, is jobless, just bums around and coming back home always beating his wife.
Orang tetangga sebelah pengangguran, keluyuran saja dan pulang ke rumah selalu memukuli istri.
B : Well, he must be a little bit crazy now.
Dia pasti sedikit agak gila.

B.      To Be Going to + Verb I
“Pasti” menurut tindakan, keadaan lingkungan, dan sudah usang direncanakan.

Contoh :
Don’t worry! I’m gonna pay for such this dinner, it is my birthday.
Jangan khawatir, aku (pasti) membayar makan malam ini, ini yakni ulang tahun saya.


Tanggapi pernyataan berikut dengan memakai kata “must”

1.       He never loses to play chess. No body can beat him. (professional player)
2.       She can achieve her sasaran selling every month. (many customer)
3.       They are very familiar with this town, especially its alleys. (grow up)
4.       The new restaurant in downtown is very crowded every night. (delicious)
5.       Her sister is working as a stewardess. Manu affluent young people are chasing her. (beautiful and high minded).
6.       The show is very crowded and she is easy to get the ticket. (know some profiteers)
7.       He knows everything about computers. (computer analysis)

Isi dengan memakai bentuk to be going to + verb I

1.       The sky is very dark, it’s ..... (rain). Why don’t you bring an umbrella with you.
2.       Tell me your problem, I will help you, just trust me, I ..... (not tell) anybody.
3.       I’ve bought a new house. Next month I ..... (move) there.
4.       She’s got an imigrant visa for USA, and has booked the ticket. She ..... (leave for) USA immediately.
5.       I’ve bought a new camera, cheap and the best quality. Wait a second, I ..... (show) you.
6.       Doctor! What do you think? After being operated. Well, don’t worry young man! This is a mild operation, you ..... (be all right).
7.       I got a call from my brother in New York, he will visit Indonesia and travelling to Bali, that’s why I’m fixing this room because he ..... (stay here) for a while.

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