Communication is the most basic one in human relationship. Through communication, one can change ideas, share experiences with others, help, and understand others, furthermore, can maintain a good social relationship with others. In teaching and learning activities, communication happens between the teachers and the students. In the interaction, the teacher usually plays as the information giver and the students play as information seeker. In achieving their sasaran in teaching learning, the teacher and the students have their own strategies in doing communication. Moreover, the problems may be greater when the communication is designed to be conducted in foreign language. Hence, some strategies in communication ought to be utilized by them in order to make successful communication.
This study was conducted in order to investigate the communication strategies that are used by The English teachers of Acceleration Class of MTsN Kanigoro and to describe how the teachers apply the communication strategies in teaching learning process. It was aimed to answer the research masalah : 1) what kind of communication strategies do the teachers in teaching and learning interaction use? 2) how do the teachers apply the communication strategies in teaching learning process?
In this study , the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study were three English teachers of Acceleration class of MTsN Kanigoro. The data of this study were the utterances of the teachers. However, the utterances spoken by students are considered as complements of data. Hence, it is also called as a conversational analysis. In collecting data, the writer employed several instruments, and the key instrument was the researcher himself.
In collecting data, the researcher employed several instruments, and the key instrument was the researcher himself. After data were collected completely, the researcher analyzed the data. In analyzing data, the writer selected, transcribed, and organized the raw data. Then, the data were displayed. In the last procedure, the researcher concluded and verified the data that were transcribed.
Based on the result of the study, the researcher found several kinds of communication strategies that were used by the English teachers. They are repetition, mime, circumlocution, translation, language switch, and appeal for assistance. The other strategy that are not proposed in the theory were also employed by the teachers, they are spelling the word and write the word that could not be understood by students on the white board. The teachers applied the strategy to overcome communicative masalah during interaction in the classroom. Sometimes the teacher applied several strategies in one utterance jointly. The researcher found that three teachers have different strategies when they communicate with the students. The use of strategy was based on the teaching technique that they employ. However, researcher found that the most frequent strategy that was used by the teachers was repetition.
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