A Study On English Teachers’ Self-Development In Mts Negeri Bandung (Pbing-40)

Self-development is very important for everyone to improve their self. The teacher demands to have such kind of self-development to support the quality of teaching and learning process. In modern periode the improvement of someone quality is the basic of competition to fix with the developing of technology in every side of life. Education surely follows the development. Many problems appear because of the quality of education is not proper for this era. Education is one of aspect that influences other field of life. The quality or degree of certain country can be seen from the quality of the education itself. So that why, the improvement of the teacher is very important to lift up the quality of teaching and learning process in this country so can be stood up similar with other country in the world.

The formulation of the research kasus was: 1). What kind of self-development do teachers? 2) What is the impact of self- development toward their teaching performance?
The purpose of this research was to: 1) Describe kind of English Teacher self- development do. 2) Describe the impact of self- development toward their teaching performance.
Research method: 1) The research design was descriptive qualitative research, 2) The informants in this research were English Teacher of MTs. Negeri Bandung, 3) Data in this research were the information obtained of interview conducted by the researcher to the English Teacher of MTs. Negeri Bandung, the note of researchers of interview result, and their picture, 4) Data collection were using interview and documents(certificate, picture, visual recording of interview), 5)The data analysis used in this research was inductive.

The result showed that kind of teacher’s self-development to support the quality of teaching and learning process is varied. It depends on the teachers’ themselves how to improve their self –development. Besides, the impact of self-development toward their teaching and learning in MTs. N Bandung is more innovative and interesting.

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