English is an international language, which must be mastered by the students. Studying English language Skill is very important. The Statement of problems are: 1) What activities provided to support students learning? 2)What are the teaching material used by the teacher? 3)What are the teaching media used by the teacher?
Purpose of Research: 1)1.To know the activities are provided to support students learning.2) To know the teaching material used by the teacher. 3)To know the teaching media used by the teacher.
Research method: 1)Research design used is descriptive qualitative research. 2) The subject of the research is the English teacher and the headmaster of YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN PERINTIS. 3) Variable of this research is English teaching at YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN PERINTIS. 4) The primary data are taken fromdeep interview with English teacher about the design, process, material and media used by the teacher. 5) the instrument of the research is the researcher her self. 6) To complete the data, some method of collecting data are used such as a) Interview method with controlled interview or free guided interview, b) observation method with non participant observation, c) Documentation with documentation guide, 7) The technique of descriptive qualitative data analyze.
Research finding: 1) The design of teaching learning process is using many kinds of method ( KTSP, KBK, BCCT ), but the curriculum was Curriculum Based Competence. The material and topic for English lessons are adjusted with the topic of the week. So, the curriculum, methods, process, material, etc. Is from the Head Master and the English teacher. 2) The process of teaching learning is used computer and LCD, and also using game, flash card, music, etc. 3) The material used by the teacher is good, make easy to understand by the students, the teacher also give magazine to the students, so, the students can study at home.
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